California-BRENDA GENERALI, CNC, MGNI, MGNC, CCII3, Naturopath

Brenda Generali’s purpose in life through Joyful Living Services is to empower you to take responsibility for your own personal health.  The ultimate goal is living joyfully!  Brenda’s skills offer outstanding education in IIPA Iridology, alternative health, nutrition, muscle testing, Reiki, skin care and more.  She also offers further educational classes in business development and home/office organization. Through Joyful Living Services, Brenda intends to devote herself to this process. In doing so her personal goal is to gain empowerment to continue her growth as an emotional, physical and spiritual human being!

About 32 years ago Brenda first became aware of her own private health issues. She didn't realize at that time how important a good diet; good supplements, good mental and emotional outlook were for personal health. By the time she realized these things were important she had already developed an ulcer, was close to a nervous breakdown and was addicted to over-the-counter laxatives. Additionally, she suffered from ulcerated colitis, chronic back pain and chronic hives on her arms and legs. She decided to take responsibility for her health and began a process she would never have imagined could be possible.

Beginning as a Certified Iridologist by Dr. Bernard Jensen in 1987, then a Certified Nutritional Consultant by the American Association of Nutritional Consultants and as a Certified Herbalist by Dr. Jim Jenks in 1990, respectively. Brenda became a Certified Comprehensive Iridologist in 2017 and Certified Comprehensive Iridology Instructor from the International Iridology Practitioner's Association (IIPA) in 2020.

Currently, Brenda is the President and CEO of Joyful Living Services and has been in business helping people since 1989.  She teaches the IIPA Core Curriculum Level 1 and 2 Iridology courses online, through webinar, and travels to teach live Iridology seminars.  She has been practicing iridology, nutritional consulting and herbalism through Joyful Living Services in the Sacramento area for the past 20 years and in the San Francisco Bay Area for 12 years prior to that. Formerly, she has consulted in the Natural Vision Center, as well as the Sutter Chiropractic Center in San Francisco. Today she is currently consulting with clients through Sunrise Natural Foods stores in Auburn and Roseville, California.

560 Wall Street, Suite J
Auburn, CA 95603
United States
Telephone Number: 530-878-1119 or 530-368-0918
Company Name: Joyful Living Services


Colorado-SHERYL STROM, RN, ND, CCII3, IIPA Board Member


California-ELLEN TART-JENSEN, Ph.D., D.Sc, CCII-3, Naturopath, IIPA Past-President